Ik ben Ellen Merckx, vriendin van Gunther, mama van Louise en Arvid, en woonachtig in Saint-Sauveur, nét over de taalgrens met Ronse.
Na mijn afstuderen als vroedvrouw in 2007 begon ik mijn loopbaan op de materniteit, neonatologie en het verloskwartier van Jan Palfijn Gent. Een aantal jaar later zette ik mijn vroedvrouwcarrière verder in het AZ Glorieux Ronse.
In 2011 werd Louise, geboren. Er ging een heel nieuwe wereld voor me open! Deze van zélf zwanger zijn, zelf bevallen (helaas inclusief een zwangerschapsvergiftiging met complicaties), zélf borstvoeding geven, onderbroken nachten, draagdoeken, vaste voeding introduceren, … Kortom, deze van zélf moeder zijn, in plaats van enkel anderen te begeleiden.
Toen in 2015 Arvid werd geboren, na een prachtige, helende en poliklinische bevalling met een lieve doula aan mijn zijde, ging er nog een heel andere wereld bij open. Deze van een extreme huilbaby, voedingsallergieën, reflux, een intolerantiedieet, autisme, slaapproblemen, … Het was een moeilijke reis, maar ons klein ventje leerde me énorm veel bij, als moeder, en als vroedvrouw!
In 2018 maakte ik de overstap naar de thuiszorg, waar ik echt mijn hart heb verloren <3. U kan bij mij terecht voor pre-en postnatale begeleiding, in de ruime regio rond Ronse/Saint-Sauveur.
We have the best midwife ❤️ one who is so up to date with 'the latest new things' in babyland. And I mean the scientifically substantiated and correct things and not the other fox baby nonsense that the internet is full of.Ellen is an enrichment for my Instagram feed, her jokes, honest motherhood and masses of information that she shares are greatly appreciated! 😊A real winner!Also highly recommended for babies with a cow's milk protein allergy!
Ellen is always there for you, without judgement. She is accessible, helpful, honest as gold and she knows her trade like no other. If you have the slightest doubt, she will reassure you or give you advice. A top midwife!
Those tons of 5-star reviews don't lie. Ellen is one in a thousand. We were guided by her both pre- and postnatally and nothing was ever too much for her.
When I gave birth to my first daughter, the maternity ward arranged a home midwife for me. 2 days later Ellen was at my door in full C time. Somehow we were a bit afraid that we would have a midwife who strictly followed the rules and would come to our home. But the opposite was soon proven after her 1st visit:Ellen is a smooth lady who makes all taboos disappear like snow in the sun. Someone who really listens to how you are doing and is so empathetic that she curls her toes when you start talking about sore nipples. Of course, you always have good advice for that.We quickly retrieved the hidden tues to soothe the baby. She reassured us and made you have enormous confidence in your maternal instincts.When I was pregnant with my second daughter, it was quickly decided that I absolutely wanted Ellen by my side again. She guided me perfectly during my breastfeeding story.Finally, Ellen is very understanding. This way she remains calm and professional when my eldest demands all her attention in the first days after giving birth. She doesn't just look at the baby and the mom. But also examines the experiences of the father and other family members.With her you can do nothing wrong and you can ask anything without any shame, even with a good chance that you will get an answer at night.Thanks for everything Ellen!♡Stay your fun self. A top midwife from the 1000!
Very grateful that Ellen came my way, you can contact her with any doubts or questions.You were certainly an added value to my breastfeeding story, thanks to your tips, expertise and support I was able to provide this for a year.You are really great and hopefully we will meet again! 😊